Top 17 Best Supplement Brands in India (2024)

Best Supplement Brands in India

Embarking on a journey towards optimal health and fitness often involves a search for the right dietary supplements. With an ocean of options available, choosing the best supplement brand that aligns with your unique health goals can be an overwhelming task.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide that illuminates the world of the best supplement brands in India, a booming market with a diverse range of offerings. From high-quality protein powders to fortified multivitamins, from globally recognized brands to made-in-India labels, this guide is your one-stop resource, meticulously crafted to aid you in your quest for the best.

Whether you’re a bodybuilder seeking the perfect post-workout recovery aid, a vegan looking for plant-based supplements, or someone simply seeking to enhance their overall wellness, this guide has you covered. So, let’s embark on this journey and unravel the top supplement brands in India.

Optimum Nutrition Logo

Optimum Nutrition (ON)

Optimum Nutrition (ON) thrives on one principle: providing superior quality consistently.
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MuscleBlaze Logo


Born and brewed in India, MuscleBlaze has been on a rapid ascent to the pinnacle of the nutritional supplement industry since its inception in 2012.
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Ultimate Nutrition Logo

Ultimate Nutrition

Ultimate Nutrition is a veteran in the global supplements industry. This brand has built its reputation over the decades as a reliable, high-quality provider of a broad range of nutritional products.
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Dymatize Logo

Dymatize Nutrition

Dymatize Nutrition has been a household name in the sports and fitness industry for over two decades. Their journey began in 1994 with a clear mission: to become the world’s best sports nutrition brand.
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Muscletech Logo


With a rich legacy of over 25 years, MuscleTech stands tall as one of the most respected names in the world of sports nutrition.
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Myprotein Logo


Hailing from the UK and making a significant impact in over 70 countries, Myprotein has become a globally recognized brand in the nutritional supplement industry.
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GNC Logo


General Nutrition Centers, or GNC, as it’s popularly known, has been a leading global brand in the supplement industry for over 80 years.
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Founded in 2011, HealthKart has quickly risen to prominence in the Indian supplement industry.
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universal logo hero

Universal Nutrition

Established in 1977, Universal Nutrition has been a prominent name in the global supplement industry for over four decades.
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fastandup logo


Fast&Up is an Indian sports nutrition brand that has quickly made its mark in the fitness industry since its inception in 2015.
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Fitspire Logo


Emerging as a beacon of trust in the health and fitness sector, Fitspire is rapidly carving out its niche in the vast Indian supplement market.
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Oziva Logo


Rooted deeply in the principle of clean and conscious living, Oziva emerges as a brand that believes in the power of nature-derived nutrition.
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Asitis Logo


At the forefront of purity and simplicity, Asitis has established itself as a trusted name in the dietary supplement realm.
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BSN Logo

BSN (Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition

An international giant in the realm of sports nutrition, BSN has carved a name for itself not just in India, but globally.
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Vitabiotics Logo


Venturing beyond the conventional boundaries of health supplements, Vitabiotics stands as a paradigm of innovation in nutritional healthcare.
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Neuherbs Logo


Neuherbs has solidified its stature as one of India’s trusted companions for health and fitness.
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swisse logo


Hailing from Australia’s wellness landscape, Swisse has burgeoned as a premium global wellness brand.
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Conclusion: Navigating the world of dietary supplements can feel like traversing a labyrinth, but with our comprehensive guide to the best supplement brands in India, the journey becomes a whole lot simpler.

From Optimum Nutrition’s award-winning products to Fast&Up’s unique effervescent technology, from MuscleBlaze’s Indian-centric approach to GNC’s global standards, we’ve explored a dynamic range of offerings tailored to diverse nutritional needs.

Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone seeking a boost in their overall health and wellness, these brands stand as reliable allies, ensuring quality, innovation, and a commitment to your health.

As you step forward in your health and wellness journey, remember that supplements are just that – a supplement to your diet and not a replacement for a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new supplement into your regimen.

Your health is your greatest wealth, and choosing the right supplement brand is a significant step towards safeguarding this treasure. With this guide, we hope to have empowered you with the knowledge to make informed choices that align with your unique health goals. Here’s to your journey towards a healthier, fitter you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best supplement brand in India?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, as the “best” brand depends on an individual’s specific needs and preferences. However, some of the top brands include Optimum Nutrition, MuscleBlaze, Ultimate Nutrition, Dymatize Nutrition, MuscleTech, Myprotein, GNC, HealthKart, Universal Nutrition, and Fast&Up.

Are foreign supplement brands better than Indian brands?

Not necessarily. While foreign brands like Optimum Nutrition, Myprotein, and GNC have a global reputation, Indian brands like MuscleBlaze and Fast&Up also provide high-quality, scientifically-backed supplements. It ultimately depends on the individual product, its ingredients, and your specific needs.

Are supplements safe to consume?

Most supplements are safe to consume as long as they are taken as per the recommended dosage and guidelines. However, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Do I need a prescription to buy these supplements?

Generally, you do not need a prescription to buy nutritional supplements. However, it’s advisable to discuss with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Can supplements replace a balanced diet?

No, supplements are not meant to replace a balanced diet but to supplement it. They should be used to address nutritional gaps and should not substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

How do I choose the right supplement for me?

Choosing the right supplement depends on several factors including your health goals, dietary preferences, lifestyle, and any specific medical conditions you may have. It’s best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice based on these factors.

Can I take multiple supplements at once?

Yes, it is generally safe to take multiple supplements at once, but it depends on the specific supplements and their dosages. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure there are no potential interactions or side effects.
